Summer Salmon Tactics
Posted by Mid Antrim Angling Centre on 18th Jun 2018
While we all love nothing more than swinging our favourite Salmon flies across the stream , when high summer arrives and with it low water conditions and associated high water temperatures , we usually need to vary our tactics for a chance of any regular success .There are a number of techniques , some old , some newer , which can improve our chances and which moreover can be very exciting and successful .Small FliesThe starting point for any Summer salmon fishing has to be with fly size . While
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Spring Salmon on the Irish Loughs
Posted by Mid Antrim Angling Centre on 2nd Mar 2018
As the year turns to Spring many anglers will be dusting down their big rods , checking those heavy sinking lines and tying up large tube flies for the start of the river Salmon season and the quest for that elusive springer , fresh and shining from the sea . For a smaller band of anglers however the beginning of the Salmon season is the signal that the search is on , not in the rivers but in the wild loughs of the west and an altogether different challenge compared to the river fisher . Ma
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On test - Hodgman Wading Boots
Posted by Mid Antrim Angling Centre on 11th Sep 2017
Hodgman are widely recognised as one of the oldest and most respected names in waders and outdoor gear , producing the first world's first fishing waders in 1838 . Almost 200 years later and their vast experience is all too evident in their new range of waders , wading boots and clothing.
Here at Mid Antrim Angling Centre we stock many products from the Hodgman range and believing as we do that we should have confidence in the products we sell , tested waders , jackets and boots from the r
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Fishing Licences and Permits
Posted by Mid Antrim Angling Centre on 23rd Aug 2017
A fishing licence is required by law for all freshwater fishing in Northern Ireland . There are two distinct licencing authorities covering different areas .
Department of Agriculture,Environment & Rural Affairs (D.A.E.R.A.)Foyle,Carlingford & Irish Lights Commission (F.C.I.L.C.) also known as the Loughs AgencyOn payment of a small fee an endorsement is available to allow anglers licenced in one jurisdiction to fish legally in the other area .Licences are available in two categories - Gam
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Top 6 Fly Fishing Accessories
Posted by MId Antrim Angling Centre on 30th Jun 2017
At it's most basic level fly fishing can be incredibly simple. Kitted out with fly rod, reel, fly line and killer fly attached to the business end, we are well equipped to go fishing and catch fish . Attractive as this simple approach may seem, these days however there are 1001 gizmos, gadgets , lotions and potions designed to make our life easier, improve our effectiveness and ultimately help us to catch more fish.
Here we've listed a few of the most useful and popular accessory items for
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